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Points in Figures: Rectangles and Circles
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> struct figure { char type; double a, b, c, d; }; int num_figures = 0; struct figure figures[12]; int main(void) { int i; int point=1; while (1) { char t; scanf(" %c", &t); figures[num_figures].type=t; if (t=='r') { scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf", &figures[num_figures].a, &figures[num_figures].b, &figures[num_figures].c, &figures[num_figures].d); } else if (t=='c') { scanf("%lf %lf %lf", &figures[num_figures].a, &figures[num_figures].b, &figures[num_figures].c); } else if (t=='*') { break; } else { abort(); } num_figures++; } while (1) { int done=0; double x, y; scanf("%lf %lf", &x, &y); if (x>9999.89 && x<9999.91 && y>9999.89 && y<9999.91) { return 0; } for (i=0; i<num_figures; i++) { if (figures[i].type=='r') { if (x>figures[i].a && x<figures[i].c && y>figures[i].d && y<figures[i].b) { printf("Point %d is contained in figure %d\n", point, i+1); done=1; } } else { /* circle */ if (sqrt((x-figures[i].a)*(x-figures[i].a) + (y-figures[i].b)*(y-figures[i].b)) < figures[i].c) { printf("Point %d is contained in figure %d\n", point, i+1); done=1; } } } if (!done) { printf("Point %d is not contained in any figure\n", point); } point++; } return 0; }