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Trees on the level
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int num_nodes; struct node { int init; int value; struct node * left; struct node * right; } * nodes; void init(void) { nodes = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); num_nodes=1; nodes->init=0; nodes->left = NULL; nodes->right = NULL; } int print_nodes(struct node * nod, int h) { int a=0,b=0; if (h==0) { printf(" %d", nod->value); return 1; } else { if (nod->left!=NULL) { a = print_nodes(nod->left, h-1); } if (nod->right!=NULL) { b = print_nodes(nod->right, h-1); } } return (a || b); } int recorre(struct node * nod) { if (!nod) { return 1; } else if (!nod->init) { return 0; } else { return recorre(nod->left) && recorre(nod->right); } } void calc(void) { int i; if (num_nodes==1 && !nodes->init && !nodes->left && !nodes->right) { printf("\n"); init(); return; } else if (num_nodes==-1 || !recorre(nodes)) { printf("not complete\n"); init(); return; } printf("%d", nodes->value); for(i=1; print_nodes(nodes, i); i++); printf("\n"); init(); } void add_node_1(struct node * nod, int value, char * str) { struct node * tmp; if (!*str) { if (nod->init) { num_nodes=-1; return; } nod->init=1; nod->value=value; return; } if (str[0]=='L') { if (nod->left != NULL) { add_node_1(nod->left, value, str+1); return; } else { tmp = nod->left = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); } } else { if (nod->right != NULL) { add_node_1(nod->right, value, str+1); return; } else { tmp = nod->right = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); } } tmp->left = NULL; tmp->right = NULL; tmp->init = 0; num_nodes++; add_node_1(tmp, value, str+1); } void add_node(int value, char * str) { if (num_nodes==-1) { return; } add_node_1(nodes, value, str); } int main(void) { int i; char str[1024]; char *tmp; init(); while(1) { if (scanf("%s", str)!=1) { break; } if (!strcmp(str,"()")) { calc(); continue; } i = strtol(str+1, NULL, 10); tmp = strchr(str, ',')+1; str[strlen(str)-1]=0; add_node(i, tmp); } exit(0); }