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Simulation Wizardry
#include <stdio.h> struct point { int obs; int score; int cost; } puntos[52][52]; int m, n; int tot_score=0; int movement(int * x, int * y, int * dir, int * lt) { int newx=*x, newy=*y; int score=0; (*lt)--; if (*lt<=0) { return 0; } switch(*dir) { case 0: newx += 1; break; case 1: newy += 1; break; case 2: newx -= 1; break; case 3: newy -= 1; break; } if (puntos[newx][newy].obs) { score = puntos[newx][newy].score; *lt -= puntos[newx][newy].cost; newx=*x; newy=*y; *dir=(*dir+3)%4; } *x=newx; *y=newy; return score; } int main(void) { int p; int i,j; int c; int x, y, valor, coste, dir, lt; int score; scanf("%d %d", &m, &n); scanf("%d", &c); scanf("%d", &p); for(i=1; i<=m; i++) { for(j=1; j<=n; j++) { if (i==1 || j==1 || i==m || j==n) { puntos[i][j].obs=1; puntos[i][j].score=0; puntos[i][j].cost=c; } else { puntos[i][j].obs=0; } } } for(i=0; i<p; i++) { scanf("%d %d %d %d", &x, &y, &valor, &coste); puntos[x][y].obs=1; puntos[x][y].score=valor; puntos[x][y].cost=coste; } while(scanf("%d %d %d %d", &x, &y, &dir, <)==4) { score=0; while(lt>0) { score += movement(&x, &y, &dir, <); } printf("%d\n", score); tot_score += score; } printf("%d\n", tot_score); exit(0); }