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Tree Summing
/* Tree Summing */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> struct tree { int valor; struct tree * left; struct tree * right; }; int sum_tree(int n, struct tree * t) { if (t==NULL) { return 0; } else if (n==t->valor && !t->left && !t->right) { return 1; } else { return sum_tree(n-(t->valor), t->left) || sum_tree(n-(t->valor), t->right); } } struct tree * lee_tree(void) { int a; struct tree * result; a = getc(stdin); while(isspace(a)) { a = getc(stdin); } if (a!='(') { printf("error\n"); return NULL; } a = getc(stdin); while(isspace(a)) { a = getc(stdin); } if (a==')') { return NULL; } ungetc(a, stdin); if (scanf("%d", &a)!=1) { printf("error\n"); return NULL; } result = malloc(sizeof(struct tree)); result->valor = a; result->left = lee_tree(); result->right = lee_tree(); a = getc(stdin); while(isspace(a)) { a = getc(stdin); } if (a!=')') { printf("error\n"); return NULL; } return result; } int main(void) { int sum; struct tree * my_tree; while(1) { if (scanf("%d", &sum)!=1) { break; } my_tree = lee_tree(); if (sum_tree(sum, my_tree)) { printf("yes\n"); } else { printf("no\n"); } } exit(0); }