- Download log_history
-- -- This trigger functions can be bound on any table. It creates a new table -- history.<SCHEMA>_<TABLENAME> with three additional columns: -- -- hist_ts timestamp DEFAULT NOW() -- hist_op character(6) -- -- "hist_ts" is the timestamp when the change has been occured. "hist_op" -- is the DB operation which has caused the trigger (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE). -- -- The code tries to use some caching, when the original table -- has been changed, ensure you change the log table accordently -- and kill any running sessions. -- -- 2009/08/06 - Thomas Liske <> -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION log_history() RETURNS trigger AS $$ my $htblname = $_TD->{table_schema}.'_'.$_TD->{table_name}; unless(defined($_SHARED{'pl_log_history_texists'})) { elog(DEBUG, "Preparing 'pl_log_history_texists'."); $_SHARED{'pl_log_history_texists'} = spi_prepare("SELECT schemaname FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname='history' AND tablename=\$1", 'text') } my $sth = spi_query_prepared($_SHARED{'pl_log_history_texists'}, $htblname); unless(defined(spi_fetchrow($sth))) { elog(NOTICE, "Creating history table for '$_TD->{table_schema}.$_TD->{table_name}'."); spi_exec_query("CREATE TABLE history.$htblname (hist_ts timestamp DEFAULT NOW(),hist_op character(6),LIKE $_TD->{table_schema}.$_TD->{table_name});"); } my $use = 'new'; $use = 'old' if($_TD->{event} eq 'DELETE'); my $plshared = "pl_log_history_insert#$_TD->{table_schema}.$_TD->{table_name}"; unless(defined($_SHARED{$plshared})) { elog(NOTICE, "Preparing '$plshared'."); $rv = spi_exec_query('SELECT a.attname,pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid,a.atttypmod) AS atttype FROM '. 'pg_catalog.pg_attribute a WHERE '. 'a.attnum>0 AND NOT a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid=('. ' SELECT c.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c LEFT JOIN'. ' pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace'. " WHERE c.relname = '$_TD->{table_name}' AND n.nspname = '$_TD->{table_schema}' AND". ' pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid));'); my @colnames; my @colparams; my @coltypes; my $i = 1; foreach my $row (@{$rv->{rows}}) { push(@colnames, $row->{attname}); push(@colparams, '$'.$i); push(@coltypes, $row->{atttype}); $i++; } push(@colnames, 'hist_op'); push(@colparams, '$'.$i); push(@coltypes, 'character(6)'); my $query = "INSERT INTO history.$htblname (\""; $query .= join('","', @colnames); $query .= '") VALUES ('; $query .= join(',', @colparams); $query .= ');'; $_SHARED{$plshared} = spi_prepare($query, @coltypes); $_SHARED{$plshared."#names"} = \@colnames; } if(defined($_SHARED{$plshared})) { $_TD->{$use}{hist_op} = $_TD->{event}; my @cols; foreach my $col (@{$_SHARED{$plshared."#names"}}) { push(@cols, $_TD->{$use}{$col}); } spi_exec_prepared($_SHARED{$plshared}, @cols); } else { elog(WARNING, 'Could not log history due plan is undefined!'); } return; $$ LANGUAGE plperl;